Actions and means involved:

  • Elaboration of the SPA Management Plan, operational plans and technical studies for the concrete conservation actions foreseen. These plans include target Species Action Plans, Monitoring, Surveillance Plans and Dissemination Plan, sensitivity mapping, setting up of Favourable Reference Values for the 4 target species populations in the SPA, in order to achieve their Favourable Conservation Status.
  • Production of a Feasibility Study for the SPA management, to identify key parameters  for the long term financial viability of the proposed SPA Management Scheme, and propose realistic fund raising scenarios for the Scheme.
  • Management of nesting habitat for the islet nesting bird species including rat eradications in selected colonies of F. eleonorae, L. audouinii and P. aristotelis and to control local populations of L. michahellis for mitigation of egg/nestling predation and food competition and to increase breeding success of the target species.
  • Establishment of thickets of native shrubs and bushes and creation of artificial nesting sites for islet nesting bird species, namely F. eleonorae and P. aristotelis, to increase the number of suitable nesting sites.
  • Identification, management and protection of primary marine foraging habitats for L. audouinii and P. aristotelis and installation of seagrass-friendly mooring buoys.
  • Identification of important terrestrial foraging areas of F. eleonorae, revitalisation of agricultural fields to increase insect abundance, creation of small ponds and limited-scale interventions of coastal wetland habitats to increase water availability and habitat quality for insects and migratory bird prey availability for F. eleonorae.
  • Management of Chukar (Alectoris chukar) and pigeon (Columba spp.) populations through local crop cultivation, watering and revitalization of traditional pigeon lofts to increase food availability of H. fasciatus.
  • Establishment and pilot operation of the SPA Management Scheme and the SPA surveillance- patrolling programme.
  • Implementation of an extensive and well-focused public awareness campaign on the basis of the SPA Dissemination Plan, targeting various focus groups, for the conservation of the target species as well as  the promotion of the Natura 2000 network and protected areas concept on Andros. The campaign will involve environmental education activities, special publications, a documentary, an exhibition, stakeholder meetings, media work at the international, national, regional and local level, information signs, and extensive use of the internet media.
  • Implementation of workshops and formal meetings regarding concrete conservation actions and management of project SPA.
  • The overall project operation will be facilitated through careful and strict project management, and the regular operation of the Project Steering Committee, to monitor project actions and provide guidance for their implementation (coordinating and associated beneficiaries). Project scientific monitoring and networking will assess and enhance the effectiveness of the project actions.

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