January 2015 report


During January our project team continued the preparations and arrangements for the implementation of the rat eradication campaign and the repetition of the planting activities. The materials needed for the rat eradication have been purchased by NCC and tubes for baiting stations have been appropriately worked. Further discussions with the planting expert subcontractors have been made. Furthermore, a small inflatable rib boat has been acquired by NCC, to be used as an assistance boat to transfer the materials from the project vessel to the uninhabited islets, with minimal risk for the personnel. All these preparations have been finished and the project team waits for a calm weather spell for the work to start immediately. Meanwhile, bad weather conditions provided the opportunity to service the project vessel engine, in order to be in perfect condition during the upcoming busy period.

HOS organised the fieldwork programme for the 2015 breeding season.

In addition, the LCG continues to organize activities on the island, including small excursions in search for Bonelli’s Eagle and participating in the Mid-Winter Counts organized by HOS throughout the country.

The project fields were prepared and cultivated with barley for the season, with the help of a subcontractor and the use of our small tractor. Some missing parts of the fencing and two slightly damaged noticeboards (due to unusually strong winds) will be replaced soon.

Although bad weather conditions prevented marine operations, land patrolling and surveillance continued normally all over the project area.

The Album Book is almost ready, and as soon as the ongoing last check for any mistakes is done, it will go to press.

Concerning the SPA Management Scheme, the Municipality has sent a letter to competent authorities and stakeholders asking them to appoint their representatives to the Committee. We are currently waiting for all of them to respond (during the coming days) and immediately afterwards, the SPA management Committee will have its regular sessions.

Finally, the project radio spots to the local radio station will continue to air throughout the year (thus reaching out all the locals) and project leaflets are being distributed to major european touristic exhibitions, through Andros Municipality participation in them (recent one in Utrecht, Netherlands).


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