April 2015 report


During April the implementation of actions C1, C2 and C3 continued. In particular, the watering of the plants at Dysvato and Kalogeros islets has continued, with visits once per week. Most plantings present signs of stress due to harsh weather conditions (wind mainly), but fortunately they survive due to the good quality of plant material used. Irrigation activities will continue for the next few months.

Rat eradication activities at Gavrionisia and Mandilou, islets have continued with the monitoring of the post eradication conditions. Corrective interventions  are scheduled for next July, after the end of the gull reproduction period and before the initiation of the Falco eleonorae egg laying period.

Concerning the yellow legged gull control activities, egg oiling has have been implemented at Gavrionisia, Kalogeros, Dysvato and Mandilou islets on a large scale.

The NCC small inflatable boat together with the project vessel have been heavily used for the implementation of the above mentioned field actions.

Concerning the third project pigeon tower (action C4), the related municipality paperwork has been finished during this month and in the coming days some minor improvments and the introduction of the pigeons are on schedule.

Regarding the restoration of the coastal wetlands (action C5), since the formal permit from the state is going to be delayed because of the related paperwork, it has been decided to start as soon as possible the part of the interventions not needing a special permit (outside of the river flow), while waiting the official permit for the rest.

The Ministry of the Environment is still delaying to send its member appointment, preventing the SPA Management Scheme to formally operate. The Municipality is in constant discussions with the Ministry, trying to overcome this last obstacle.

Patrolling and surveillance continued throughout the month, both in land and sea.

Two injured birds were found, treated at the First Aid Center and sent to ANIMA in Athens. The local team also had additional calls for injured birds, which were not found during the search in the field.

During this month an HOS Field researcher carried out the second visit for the Bonelli’s eagle monitoring. In addition, preparations for the Audouin’s gull monitoring to be implemented in May started.

A field visit was organized with the LCG members to help them improve their bird identification skills, in particular regarding the Bonelli’s eagle.

Two stakeholder meetings took place this month in Gavrio and Batsi (with the cooperation of Athens Agricultural University), relating to the importance and the environmental benefit of local crop varieties.

Finally, discussions  with the project coordinator and the Municipality team have been made during April, related to the foreseen project amendment application. More work on this issue is foreseen for May.


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