December 2015 Report


During December the cultivation of all the project fields has been finished. Also, the project team payed regular visits to the farmstead near Apoikia (where the agricultural garden is established), in order to plant selected seeds from our reserve. Some of the seeds were planted in a seed bed, from where small plants will be later transferred to the garden.

Two injured birds were treated in our First Aid Centre and one was sent to ANIMA for further treatment (the other one unfortunately didn’t make it).

The project team visited regularly one of the pigeon towers, where more pigeons had been introduced, to provide food and water.

Visits to the Exhibition Centre continued throughout the month, including two schools (one from Andros and one from Athens).

Finally, December was a busy month concerning internal administrative issues of the Municipality (due to the end of the fiscal year). Also, the teams of all three partners were preparing the project progress report and deliverables.


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