November 2016 Report


During November the NCC team has continued the visits to the project islets, in collaboration with the Municipality team.

Moreover, a special presentation of our project has been given to a wide audience, at the Korthi Environmental Center, in relation to bird conservation on the island and present land uses. The meeting has been organized by WWF team and the Korthi Environmental Education Center, in an effort to persuade local livestock keepers to abandon the habit of putting wild fires in phryganic ecosystems.

Concerning the Ministerial Decision for the Management Plan legal approval, after a series of meetings it has been finally prepared and is ready for signature. It is expected that it will be signed before the end of the year.

A joined mission of the project team and the ElClima team was performed in November to assess the present status of the rat eradication campaign at Makares islets. The bait stations have been refilled at Stroggylo, where limited bait consumption has been observed. Useful conclusions concerning the post baiting campaign requirements and the planning of the ANDROSSPA after-life relevant project actions have been derived from this collaboration. It is imperative for the project to maintain adequate reserves of bait and bait stations, for the following years, as the
possibility of rats reinvasion is absolutely realistic.

HOS together with the LCG and the Andros Film Club are making various arrangements to organize the screening of different documentaries with environmental and conservation message. These screenings will be combined with discussions and walks in Andros SPA.

ANDROSSPA and Municipality of Andros representatives participated in the 3rd meeting of the Consortium of Stakeholders of Gyaros (CycladesLife project). The members of the Consortium, fishermen, representatives from the local governments, the state, universities, NGOs and scientists, have been working together to co-decide the measures for the protection and the sustainable development of the marine protected area of Gyaros, which, apart from being very close to Andros marine SPA, it shares many of its characteristics.

Regular patrolling at the project areas continued normally throughout the month, both in land and sea.


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